Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Tarot?
Tarot is a divination system that uses a specific set of 78 illustrated cards. Some people see Tarot as a way to peer into the future or examine hidden aspects of a situation, while others use it as a therapeutic resource or simply a support for thinking outside the box and creating a sacred moment for themselves.
What is a Tarot Card Reading
A tarot card reading is a powerful tool for gaining insight and guidance into various aspects of life. During a tarot card reading, a skilled tarot reader uses a deck of tarot cards to interpret the energy and symbolism of each card pulled. This can provide valuable information about love, relationships, career, finances, and more. Through the interpretation of the cards, a tarot card reading can offer clarity, guidance, and a deeper understanding of current situations and future possibilities. Whether you seek answers to specific questions or a broader perspective on your life’s path, a tarot card reading with Lena Marie Psychic can provide the insights you need to navigate your journey with confidence.
Does Tarot Give You A Clear Answer?
It doesn’t always seem to! But, over time, and especially if you keep a tarot journal, you will be able to see how the cards have been directing you and talking to you over a particular issue. One of the benefits of keeping a tarot journal is that you can go back over a tarot reading and glean something new or different from it.
Sometimes we are too emotional, too invested or too close to a problem or issue to see clearly what the tarot is trying to show us. We can also, if we aren’t being fully honest with ourselves, mis-interpret the cards and find when we look back over time, that the tarot was right and we were deluding ourselves..
At other times the answers provided in a tarot reading can feel like a slap across the face because of its brutal honesty.
Are Tarot Cards Evil?
There’s a typical misunderstanding that Tarot cards are evil or the work of the Devil. Let’s clarify this delusion by remembering that, fundamentally, the Tarot is a tool used for spiritual development, divination, understanding and empowering one’s inner self, and connecting to the beauty of the present moment.
The cards themselves cannot be inherently good or evil; they’re only ink and paper. The positive or negative interpretations of the various signs and symbols are subjective, depending on the knowledge of the reader, the feelings of the querent, and the general atmosphere of the reading.
We are, after all, talking about a game of cards and a wonderful spiritual process meant to offer insight on how to solve the problems of life. Considering this an evil sin is a superstition at best.
So to my mind, no, not at all. It’s divine in that it is supernatural and your interpretation of what is good or bad, spiritually speaking, will be derived from your religious experience or influences. Or lack therof.
Are Tarot Cards Religious?
Religion and Tarot are interconnected in many diverse ways. Cards like the High Priestess, the Hierophant, and Judgment depict a certain feeling of reverence and devotion to the sacred.
We should remember that these cards were crafted during a time when the belief in the existence of God was almost unquestionable, and therefore could not be missing out on such an important cultural influence. But are they truly religious?
While Tarot cards were probably created by religious people and can be implemented in any kind of spiritual practice, they are not an independent religion and do not require from the individual to have faith in the divine nor to comply with a specific belief system.
Is It True That You Should Still Pay Someone For A Tarot Reading, Even A Friend?
Paying for a reading validates the service you are receiving. Asking a friend for a free reading is expecting to take something from them (their time and knowledge, which took a lot of time to acquire) and giving nothing back. Close friends take turns in hosting dinner parties and coffee mornings and so a tarot reading from a friend should still see something done in return.
Some people take issue at paying for a ‘spiritual service’ or what others may call a god-given gift that should be shared freely. I disagree. If it is a god-given gift, then it was to make your working life easier while you help people. Everyone else earns a living and so giving something for a reading should be expected and normal practice.